There is always Hope … Shining through

Cover of "The Tribe That Lost Its Head"

Nicholas Monsarrat is one of my most favourite authors.

His “Tribe” books, The Tribe that Lost Its Head, and Richer than All His Tribe made a deep impression on me as a young woman, although I could only bring myself to read them once.

I wrote to him years later – on the pretext that there were four pages missing from my copy of his autobiography – expressing my belief that, contrary to what the Tribe books implied, there was hope in Africa, and a better future in store. Was he perhaps thinking of writing such a book? If not, I would be tempted…

After his death I received a letter from his widow saying that Nicholas had indeed intended to write such a novel.

Ann Monsarrat letter 1Ann Monsarrat letter 2 (2)

BREATH OF AFRICA was conceived on the basis of that hope. The book developed a mind of its own. But I trust its readers will appreciate the struggles an emerging country has to endure, while recognising that there is always hope, shining through.

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3 Responses to There is always Hope … Shining through

  1. Marj says:

    I have never read his books, though of course, I know the name. Just another thing that I must do. Happy Christmas.

  2. Pingback: Meet the Author: Jane Bwye | Susan Finlay Writes

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